Ryan Webber

dob- Not Available

placeofbirth- Grand Rapids, Michigan

Ryan Webber was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Ryan earned a degree in film, video and broadcasting from Full Sail University in 2004, and has been acting, directing and editing movies since 1998. Ryan is known for his home brew Star Trek fan films from 1999-2004. He wrote, directed and produced a feature film shot in just 5 days, "Finding Home" in 2012. He also created and starred in a web series, "County Sheriff" which ran from 2004-2014. He also starred in "Star Trek: Horizon" (2016), a popular fan film set in the 'Enterprise' era.

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In a time prior to the United Federation of Planets, a young coalition of worlds led by Earth battle the Romulan Star Empire for their very survival. Disclaimer: This fan film is created by fans for fans and is not intended for commercial use. It is embedded from a third-party hosting platform such as YouTube for the convenience of our users. No profit... Read More