
The Ultimate Spider-man (fan film)

  • 2024
  • 28 Mins
  • 16+
  • Tmdb Rating 8
  • 0

When the world loses their hero, unsuspecting teen Miles Morales swings in to fill the void as the Ultimate Spider-Man! He must navigate the complexities of heroism when a deadly force threatens his life and those of his friends. This fan-made TV pilot was produced by students from the RTF program at The University of Texas in the Moody College of Communication. This non-profit film, a year-long labor of love, is unaffiliated with Marvel, Sony, or Disney. The creators do not own the rights to the character, world, or any Spider-Man content, nor the music used. Follow them on Instagram at /thexman113 /studioxfilms /mxrfilm /vellepictures. Disclaimer: This fan film is created by fans for fans and is not intended for commercial use. It is embedded from a third-party hosting platform such as YouTube for the convenience of our users. No profit is generated from the presence of this film on our site. We do not claim ownership of any intellectual property rights associated with this fan film. All rights remain with the original creators and copyright holders. If you have any concerns about the inclusion of this fan film, please contact us, and we will address your query promptly.

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