  • Admin
  • May 20, 2024

DMCA Policy and Contact for Fan Films

No Profit from Fan Films

We do not profit from any fan films on our site. While users need an account to watch content on our site—primarily to fulfill age-checking requirements—free accounts can access all fan films without paying any fees. They have access to all playlist features such as watch later and saving their progress for free.

Content Hosting and Embedding

NONE of the fan films on our site are hosted by us; they are all embedded from major streaming sites such as YouTube or Vimeo. We are only embedding content already available elsewhere on the internet from its source location in the fan films section, in accordance with YouTube and Vimeo policies.

Promotional Material

We do not use major franchise names in ANY of our official promotional material to ensure we cannot be seen as using the fan films for third-party gain by proxy. Advertisements may say "Free Fan Films," but will not mention specific franchises. People will already need to be at the site to know what fan films exist on the site.

DMCA Takedown Requests

For Film Studios

If you are a film studio and believe a film has violated fair usage, parody, or fan film allowances, you can use the DMCA form on this page. Provide your details and the video you believe violates your terms, and we will give you information on where it is embedded from so you can directly address the issue with the author of the site that hosts the content. If the video is removed by them or embedding is disabled via the remote platform, the content will be swiftly delisted by us.

For Content Creators

If you are a content creator and your video has been listed without your consent, and you wish for it to be removed, please contact us via the form. We will send you a link to the URL where the embed is hosted from. If this is your URL, we ask that you enter a 4-digit passphrase that we will provide to you (e.g., 1234) at the end of the video description. This is to verify that you, the owner, are making the request and not a competitor trying to get you bumped. If you are the creator, and you didnt submit the film, we ask that you look at the distribution option before persuing the DMCA Takedown.

The reason for this verification is that most creators would not normally ask for an embedded video to be removed, as they are receiving all relevant credit on their chosen platform, including views, shares, ranking, and any integrated promotions they may have included in their content.

If you find the embedded link is not yours but you are the relevant content owner, please file a complaint with the company hosting the embedded content for a takedown. If you wish to have the embed updated to ensure you are the one receiving the relevant credit and stats, contact us with the correct link. When the incorrect link is taken down from the third-party site, we will update the listing to include your correct one.



Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. We strive to respect the rights of content creators and copyright holders while providing a platform for fan films. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.