  • Admin
  • May 24, 2024

DMCA Policy for Public Domain Films

Verification of Public Domain Status

To ensure that all public domain content on our site is indeed public domain, we take several steps:

  1. Initial Source Verification: We start with the list at Desert Island Films, a trusted supplier of public domain content with a thoroughly vetted list of confirmed public domain films. They have gone to significant effort to verify the public domain status of these films.

  2. Renewal and Clawback Checks: Public domain legislation can change, and clawbacks can occur. Therefore, we actively search for any renewals or clawbacks that may affect the status of the content.

  3. Music Rights Verification: Since music rights can differ from the film rights and may still be under copyright even if the film itself is not, we take additional steps to avoid infringing on music copyrights:

    • We upload the film to various streaming services on private links to have it scanned for any copyright issues. This often results in copyright hits.
    • We verify the source of the claims. Claims stating that someone else owns the video are almost always false. However, claims regarding the sound are often genuine.
    • If the sound is region-specific in its copyright, we restrict access to the production in those regions.
    • For silent films or films with isolated copyrighted audio sections, we replace the audio with licensed sound or resound the entire production.

Handling Copyright Claims

If you are here because you have purchased public domain footage and have seen it on our site, please understand that you do not own the film; you only have the right to use it. The versions of the films on our site are automatically copyrighted to us because we have re-edited, upscaled, and remastered every single public domain video, creating an entirely new version of the production. Under new copyright laws, these new versions are automatically protected at the time of publication.

Copyright Protection

  • If we were to make any of these productions available on platforms like YouTube, the terms would be CC BY-ND 4.0 DEED. However, until that point, they should be considered fully protected.
  • You are free to source the original footage we used and create your own versions, as these are not protected by our copyright.

DMCA Takedown Requests

For Legitimate Copyright Holders

Despite our extensive due diligence, if you believe we have mistakenly listed a film that:

  1. Never fell into the public domain, or
  2. Has been retrieved from the public domain and our checks did not locate it,

please fill out the DMCA form and provide us with a link to a current and verified copyright renewal for the production.

Takedown Process

  1. Submit Takedown Request: Fill out the form with your details and the video you believe violates your terms.
  2. Verification: We will review the provided information and verify the claim.
  3. Action: If the claim is valid, we will remove or disable access to the content within 7 to 10 days of receiving the notice.
  4. Confirmation: Once your request is verified and processed, we will confirm the removal of the content.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us through the form provided.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. We strive to respect the rights of all content creators and copyright holders while providing a platform for public domain films.