  • Admin
  • May 20, 2024

Getting Your Fan Film Distributed by 8KFLIKZ.

Creating a fan film is a passion project for many filmmakers. You've poured your heart, time, and resources into crafting a story that resonates with fans and now it's time to share it with the world. Distributing your fan film through platforms like and can significantly boost your exposure, enhance your portfolio, and open up new opportunities for future projects. Here’s how you can get started and the benefits you’ll enjoy.

Submission Requirements

First things first, to get your fan film distributed, you need to ensure it meets certain criteria and follows a straightforward submission process. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Submit Your Film to The Movie Database (TMDb)
    Head over to TMDb at and submit your film. This step is free but essential as it helps catalog your film properly. Once your film is approved, double-check the cast and crew details to ensure everything is in order.

  2. Upload Your Film to YouTube
    Your film should be uploaded to YouTube with a minimum resolution of 1080p, though 4K is preferred. The film must be no less than 5 minutes in length. It’s ideal to host the film on a dedicated YouTube channel to get all the views for the embeds.

  3. Provide Visual Assets
    You’ll need to create a 9:16 (portrait) poster for your film and up to four featured 16:9 images. These visuals are important for promoting your film on the platforms.

  4. Include a Non-Profit Disclosure
    Since your film is a fan film, it must contain a non-profit disclosure at the start. This is a legal requirement that must be adhered to, ensuring that the film is not used for profit by either the creators or the distributors.

Optionally, you can provide additional links to a dedicated website, an IMDb listing, and your social media profiles. These links help audiences find more information about you and your work.

Understanding Compensation and Distribution

Fan films, by nature, cannot be used for profit. This applies to both the creators and the platforms distributing them. Therefore, while and cannot offer financial compensation, they provide significant exposure and other non-monetary benefits. will make your fan film available on a free level account, accessible to all users. This means your film will be promoted widely, giving you fantastic exposure and helping you build a profile. It's an excellent opportunity for directors, producers, and actors to showcase their work and reach a larger audience.

On, your fan film will be included in compilation fan film sets across various physical media formats, such as VCD, DVD, HDDVD, 4K, and AVCHD. The ISOs for these discs, along with cover arts and posters, will be available for free download from the fan film section of the site. If you prefer not to have your film included in physical media, you can indicate this on the submission form. However, being part of a physical media compilation creates a lasting legacy for your film, ensuring it lives on in a tangible form.

Why Submit Your Fan Film?

You might wonder why you should provide your fan film to these platforms. The exposure you gain can be invaluable for future projects. If you are a director, producer, or actor with work already published on and are running a Kickstarter or another project (whether for profit or non-profit), the platform will promote your new project using in-site banner campaigns and mailing lists. This promotion helps you reach users who have seen your previous work and might be interested in supporting your new venture. Importantly, this does not qualify as profiting from the old work, as the old work only serves to demonstrate the quality of your work and the funds are for a new production. Depending on your membership level and the time you have been with, the platform may also contribute to your Kickstarter campaign.

Distributing your fan film through and is a fantastic way to gain exposure, build your portfolio, and create opportunities for future projects. By following the submission guidelines and taking advantage of the promotional tools offered by these platforms, you can maximize the reach and impact of your fan film. Whether for future project promotion or simply sharing your passion with a larger audience, these platforms offer valuable opportunities for emerging filmmakers.

Submit your Fan Film Now